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Cardiac Coherence

Cardiac coherence "Original Balance offered"

Cardiac coherence offers benefits that have been proven by numerous scientific studies.

This method of controlling respiratory cardiac rhythms was discovered by American researchers, then made public by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber.

Since then, many doctors around the world have recommended the practice of this form of easy relaxation, the benefits of which seem promising.

Cardiac coherence is also recognized worldwide and recommended by almost all of the medical profession and public health organizations.


As a mind-body therapist, I decided to apply sound and vibration technology.

1 / A sound environment tuned to 432Hz to resonate with the original frequencies.

2 / A real human breath that accompanies your breathing to simplify the practice.

3 / The physical, psychological and spiritual benefits are increased tenfold thanks to music therapy

4 / The speed of the effects and their duration over time are doubled thanks to the  brain stimulation


Instant benefits:

• Regulation of the amplitude of cardiac variability

• Rounding and regularity of the curve (more regular pulsations)

• Release of physical and emotional tensions (stress, anxiety, anxiety, etc.)

• Suppression of mental ruminations

• Generalized appeasement

The benefits over an average of 4 hours:

• Decrease in cortisol (stress hormone ulcerating the digestive system and immunosuppressant)

• Increase in DHEA (youth hormone which slows down aging.)

• Increase in salivary IgA (immune reinforcement)

• Increased oxytocin, (attachment hormone)

• Increased GABA (neurotransmitter that controls wakefulness, perception and anxiety)

• Increase in atrial natriuretic factor (high blood pressure)

• Increased alpha brain waves (memory, learning, concentration)

• Favorable action dopamine (pleasure) and serotonin (prevention of depression)

Long-term benefits (after 10 days of daily practice):

• Decreased arterial hypertension

• Reduced cardiovascular risk

• Better regulation of the sugar level

• Reduction of the abdominal perimeter

• Better mental and physical recovery

• Improved concentration and memorization

• Decrease in attention disorders and hyperactivity

• Better pain tolerance

• Improvement of asthmatic and epileptic disorders

• Improvement of inflammatory diseases

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